Dr. André Kudra is the founder of Kudra's Bright Minds (in business November 2004 until December 2020). He discovered his passion for IT through the home computers Commodore 64 and Amiga when he was still very young and became a certified IT trainer prior to his high school graduation.
His whole education reflects his enthusiasm for modern technologies: He studied business administration with a focus on information management at the European Business School (ebs) in Oestrich-Winkel and computer science at the James Madison University (JMU) in Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA. He finished his studies with the degrees Diplom-Kaufmann of the ebs and Bachelor of Science of the JMU. In his diploma theses he delved into E-Business applications and the GeldKarte payment card of the German banking industry. He finalized his academic career with a doctorate at the ebs in which he analyzed resistance against IT-based change in the public sector.
In parallel to his studies he worked as an IT instructor for the Hessische Akademie für Bürowirtschaft (HAB) for which he is now a member of the board of trustees. He started his working career as scientific assistant at the ebs and he was also responsible for the university’s payment system “ebsCard”. Subsequently he supported implementing the E-Government strategy of the State of Hesse as personal assistant of the Hessian CIO.
In recent years he gained comprehensive expertise in the area of Identity and Access Governance in various projects at a major German bank.
Another passion of Dr. Kudra is motor sport with which he spends his leisure time.